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Description of a remarkable new species of ant in the genus Daceton Perty (Formicidae: Dacetini) from South America

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Azorsa, F., and J. Sosa-Calvo. 2008. Description of a remarkable new species of ant in the genus Daceton Perty (Formicidae: Dacetini) from South America. Zootaxa 38:27–38.

Abstract: A remarkable new species in the ant genus Daceton, which has remained monotypic for 205 years, is described from Brazil and Peru. The new species, Daceton boltoni sp. nov., is similar to its sister species, D. armigerum, but differs from it mainly in the form of the pronotal lateral spines and in the pilosity of the first gastral segment. The taxonomic history and biology of the genus is reviewed.

Keywords: Ants, Brazil, Daceton armigerum, D. boltoni, Myrmicinae, Peru

Resumen: Una nueva especie de hormiga en el género Daceton, el cual ha permanecido monotípico por 205 años, se describe de Brasil y Perú. La nueva specie, Daceton boltoni sp. nov., es similar a D. armigerum, pero difiere de ésta, principalmente, en la forma de las espinas pronotales y en la pilosidad en el dorso del primer segmento del gaster. Una revisión de la historia taxonómica y biología del género es presentada.

Palabras clave: Brasil, Daceton armigerum, D. boltoni, hormigas, Myrmicinae, Perú

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